Common Conditions: Nails, Calluses, Corns & More
We often help people with:
- Athlete’s foot
- Blisters
- Calluses
- Corns
- Chilblains
- Diabetes and the feet (Type 1 and 2)
- Dry, cracked heels
- Foot pain
- Fungal toenail infections
- Hammertoe
- Skin conditions
- Tired, itchy or achy feet
- Thickened or discoloured toenails
- Uncomfortable shoes
- Warts
Seeing a podiatrist early is usually a good idea, reducing the time you’re in pain and the number of appointments you might need. So don’t be shy—reach out! Trust us, we’ve seen it all before and we want to help.
Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s Foot is a fungal skin infection that develops on the bottom of the feet and between the toes. It is easily spread through direct contact with communal common surfaces. Symptoms include itchy feet, red and peeling skin, and stinging and burning sensations. Learn more about Athlete’s Foot, how it is contracted and how to treat it.
Learn more about Athlete’s Foot, how it is contracted and how to treat it.
There’s a good chance you’ve already had a blister—puffy, fluid-filled pockets that develop on the outer layer of skin. Blisters typically appear after wearing tight or new shoes. They can develop very quickly and can cause pain when pressed against.
Learn more about the symptoms and causes of blisters and how to care for them at home.
A callus is a thickened area of dry, dead skin that often develops around the heel, the ball of the foot, or the toes. Callused skin is usually hard, dry, rubbery and pale yellow in colour, lacking sensation or painful to walk on. Callus develops in response to repeated and excess pressure.
Learn more about how callus develops, how to manage callus at home and when to see a podiatrist.
Corns are small, defined areas of thickened skin (sometimes as small as 2mm!). They tend to be conical in shape, pressing into the deeper layers of the foot. Symptoms include redness, tenderness, localised pain and feeling like you’re walking on a pebble.
Learn more about corns, why they develop and how to treat them.
Chilblains are small itchy, red lesions on the skin that can become incredibly painful and dry out if left untreated. Burning and itchy sensations are common symptoms that may intensify when entering a warm room. To reduce your chances of getting chilblains, keep your feet warm whenever possible and warm them up slowly when they get cold. Chilblains can be managed at-home but see a podiatrist if you’re worried.
Diabetes and the feet
Diabetes can have a significant impact on your feet as it affects your sensation (your ability to feel) and circulation. Diabetes increases your chance of developing wounds, infections and ulcerations on the feet, and these can get progressively worse over time.
Dry, Cracked Heels
Cracked heels occur when the skin on the bottom of your heel becomes hard and dry (and in some cases flaky or crusty). This very dry skin cracks and fissures form. Sometimes the problem is purely cosmetic while other people will experience pain or even bleeding. Cracks can deepen over time, so see a podiatrist if you are worried about your heel pain or cracked heels.
Foot Pain
Sometimes you might experience pain in your feet and have no idea what is causing it. This could be a stabbing pain, dull pain, pain that comes and goes, constant pain, or pain that only goes away when you rest your foot. See a podiatrist for diagnosis and treatment.
Fungal Toenail Infections
A fungal nail infection, medically referred to as onychomycosis, describes the infiltration of a toenail by a living fungus. Fungal nail infections are relatively common, with around 10% of adults suffering from one in their lives. Symptoms include brittle, crumbly or flaky and thickened toenails that might be yellow in colour.
Learn more about fungal nails, causes and treatments.
A hammertoe is a bony deformity where the toe begins to point down from the centre of the toe. The biggest symptom is the resulting hammer-like position of the toe. Hammertoes tend to affect the second or third toe and can sometimes remain painless, though pain can occur when the toe is put under pressure.
Learn more about hammertoe, causes, and at-home and podiatrist treatments.
Skin Conditions
There are a number of skin conditions that can affect foot health. Itchy skin, or pruritis, is caused by an irritating sensation of your foot’s skin that makes you feel like scratching. Eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis can be red, scaly and painful if left untreated. If you’re having issues with the skin on your feet or lower limbs, get it examined out by a podiatrist.
Tired, Itchy or Achy Feet
Have you noticed your feet are aching after a long day? Or are you experiencing an itching sensation on your feet? Though itchy, tired, or achy feet aren’t in themselves a cause for concern, they can indicate an underlying condition. Visit a podiatrist if symptoms persist or if you’d like a diagnosis and relief from worrying.
Thickened or Discoloured Toenails
Toenails that grow thicker over time can indicate the start of a fungal infection and when left untreated, can become painful. Fungal infections can also turn the toenails yellow. Changes to your toenails may indicate an underlying condition so seek podiatry help if you notice this occurring.
Uncomfortable Shoes
Spending hours a day on your feet puts stress on your lower limbs and feet, so it’s essential to give them the support they need. A good, well-fitting pair of shoes can make all the difference to your mobility and comfort. If your shoes are bugging you—whether they’re too tight, too big, putting pressure on your feet or toes, or not feeling supportive enough—visit a podiatrist for a shoe check-up and footwear advice.
Plantar warts are small, rough, round growths that are medically known as verrucae and occur on the hands and feet. They’re caused by a virus called the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and are often contracted in childhood. The virus is usually contracted through a small cut or graze and contact with a shared surface like a shower or a floor.
Learn more about warts, how to manage them at home and how a podiatrist can help.